Samba Soul

Join Kaya Boom for an intensive week of playing and developing skills and musicianship so you can express the spirit of the drummer in you. It's time to immerse yourself in Carnival parade rhythms from Brazil.

Take a trip and feel the energy and explosiveness of these amazing instruments and grooves.

This course is for absolute beginners, as Kaya gently and methodically walks you through the arrangements. There are advanced parts for those who wish to challenge themselves and groove parts for people who want to work on consistency and technique.

Kaya will take the group through traditional rhythms like bossa nova, pagode, Partido alto, samba-canção and Samba de enredo. You’ll also play Brazilian instruments like the pandeiro, cuíca, tamborim, ganzá and surdo.

Treat yourself to a week of play and fun in beautiful Bellingen.


Course Info

Day One

The history of Samba where has come from to where Samba Schools are today.
Culture, fusion and globalisation.

The instruments in the Samba School always surprise people in their variety, uniqueness and methods of playing. Learn technical aspects, superstitions, famous players and the role the instruments play in the greater group.

We will learn a traditional arrangement with a call to start, interlocking rhythms a break and how they all fit together.

Day Two

We head deeper into the nuances of Samba and explore the stylistic differences between schools and areas of Brazil. We discuss the religious elements and Orishas that play a major role in the different groups’ still, tempo, look and feel. We journey into the movements created by the rhythms.

A crash course in music/ rhythmic theory and how we can make a visual representation of the rhythms and arrangements. We learn our second piece.

Day Three

Tune into our own abilities and limits. Express or uniqueness and individually while keeping the stylistic integrity. Feel supported by the group and be part of the whole. Physically emotionally, mentally spiritually, find your place in the group.
practice our first arrangement and present it at the lunchtime concert!

Find exercises to challenge yourself and find practices to build your confidence.
We learn our third arrangement and pack it full of surprises. Learn our third piece.

Day Four

Play is such an important part of learning we practice listening, copying call and response, question and answer, musical conversations, orientation and variation.
Having fun is the main premise of day 4. Have fun playing the instruments,
Learn some arrangements, and try a solo! Develop your technique. Practice and play. Get some drummer language and hookups to take your playing to the next level.

Day Five

Sit tight with the ensemble. Keep your grooves in the pocket. Feel the tensions and builds. Play with dynamics, presence and integrity. Let’s get the trance dance on and play the rhythms to honour them and do our best job. Compile what we have learned. Really find out what new skills we have developed. Sharing and giving feedback. Trying to really uncover anything we are unsure about or haven’t fully grasped.

PLAY PLAY PLAY for fun, for joy, for love, for the art of drumming and rhythm.

No experience required!

Happy Camper Reviews

Kaya Boom
Course Tutor

Kaya Boom

Kaya Boom has been a dedicated student of Samba for the past twenty years. He gives gratitude to his inspirations and teachers, Carlos Fierra, who runs Melbourne Samba School, Ortiz Pinto from Bad Boys Batucada, and Walter Piccolruaz from Sydney Samba School.

There is a flourishing Samba scene in Australia, with Samba schools in all the major cities. He pays respect to all the drummers and teachers – especially Olodum and Timbalada from Brazil, who have shaped today’s Samba.

He has also learned so much from his lifelong passion for playing Capoeira. ‘Obrigado to all the mestre’s in my life’. Kaya has travelled and played with many Samba groups at Festivals and events all over the country.

His own Samba group ‘Samba Soul’ performs at many local and national events. Kaya has played Falls Festival, Woodford, Global Carnival, Womad, Peats Ridge, Sydney Festival and many more.