Spanish for Kids – “Mis hijos hablan Español”

Have your kids always been interested in learning Spanish? Are they exposed to Spanish at home but have difficulty in expressing themselves?

Were they exposed to Spanish at preschool but there is no Spanish at Primary School?

Are you simply interested in your children learning another language because of all the cognitive and social benefits it involves?

If your answer is yes to any of the above, bring your kids to come and learn at Camp Creative!

A fun and exciting introduction to Spanish language through culture.  Tamara will guide your children through basic grammar, games, songs, poems and stories. Each day will follow a similar structure, building on their learning with each new lesson.


Course Info

Day One
Meet our new friends and work on an animal alphabet.

Day Two

Start to learn colours and seasons using artwork and poems.

Day Three

Today we will learn numbers, play bingo and learn some songs.

Day Four

Building on the last few days, we will learn interrogatives and pronouns. We will also have fun with a role playing game.

Day Five

Today we will create a story together and put into practice the content from the previous days.

None, this course is for beginners.

Please bring the following on your first day of class:

  • Coloured pencils
  • Pencil
  • Rubber
  • Sharpener
  • A4 paper

Your class has an extra cost of $20 – this cost includes:

  • Printed learning materials

Payment details provided on booking.

Happy Camper Reviews

Tamara Melero Antúnez
Course Tutor

Tamara Melero Antúnez

Tamara is from Castilla y Leon, Spain. Her father is Spanish and her mother is from Honduras, Central America. This has given her a wide cultural influence from both continents. She is currently living in Australia, teaching adults and children face to face in her school at Bellingen and online too. She is also closely involved with homeschooling families exploring alternative methods of education.

Since living in Australia for the last 7 years she has become even more passionate about her roots and has begun to collaborate in different cultural festivals around Sydney, in particular the Latin American Festival in Bondi. It was when a deep interest in teaching and promoting the Spanish language and Hispanic Culture strongly arose. Firstly, through her own radio program which she called “la escuela”. Later on she trained as a Spanish language teacher at the Instituto Cervantes in Sydney.

She feels strongly that language has to be taught from rich cultural values and experiences. Hispanic rituals and traditions are wide known and celebrated, such as their art and music, which she is deeply connected with and constantly reviewing. She applies it in her classes with creativity, freedom and enjoyment. At present, the teaching for her is a bridge between Australia, Spain and Latin America, which allows her to be connected by sharing her heritage.  The learning of a new language is an awakening which is vital for higher cognitive development and flexibility in thinking. Social and cultural possibilities are also expanded immensely.

As a new mother she is investigating and putting into practice with my daughter the bilingual approach. She is also excited to offer new Spanish playgroups and experiences in 2024!