Da Yan Wild Goose Qigong

Da Yan Wild Goose Qigong is an ancient health practice, similar to Tai Chi, focusing on moving your body gently with the breath, creating relaxation, inner harmony and health.

Da Yan translates to Great Bird and originates from the Kunlun School of Daoism in the Jin Dynasty (1,700 years ago).

Over one week, you will receive the opportunity to learn a full Qigong practice, that you can then practice at home, or in a group with others. This practice mimics the movements of the Da Yan (Wild Goose), a bird revered in China for its strength and health, as it gently strengthens its body and mind to fly a long migratory flight over the Himalaya Mountains.

The Rainy Day Practice of the Da Yang Wild Goose qigong is a shortened form, keeping all the basic principles and essence of Qi health cultivation, and consists of 26 movements.
These gentle movements bring together the observation of the laws of nature, thousands of years of Chinese Medicine, a continual linage of practice over many centuries, and a reputation for improving health and longevity.

Each day you will learn and practice the gentle movements of Da Yan Wild Goose Qigong, followed by Qigong meditation.

  • Half day mornings - Monday to Friday - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Suitable for ages 18 to adult
  • Everyone
  • Nearly full

Course Info

Matt will teach you the shortened form of the Da Yan Wild Goose Qigong, comprising of the essence of the first 64 movements, and including a stillness meditation. 

The movements of the Wild Goose Qigong form are gentle, simple to perform, and easy to memorise. 

These Qigong exercises bring together the observation of the laws of nature, thousands of years of Chinese medicine, development of practice over many centuries, and a reputation for improving health and longevity. 

By the end of the course, you will have learnt a holistic health system of Qi (energy) cultivation you may then practice at home each day.

Day One

Introduction, Qigong warm up exercises, the first 11 movements, Qigong Meditation.

Day Two

Qigong warm up exercises, movements 1-21, Qigong Meditation.

Day Three

Qigong warm up exercises, movements 1-26, Qigong Meditation.

Day Four
Qigong warm up exercises, movements 1- 26, Repeating in four directions, Qigong Meditation. Demonstration display for general public.

Day Five

Qigong warm up exercises, refining the whole Da Yan Wild Goose Qigong Rainy Day sequence, Meditation.

No prior experience required.

Please bring the following on your first day of class:

  • Sun hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Water bottle
  • Towel or cushion

You have the option to purchase the following:

  • Da Yan Wild Goose Qigong instruction book & DVD – $25

Purchase details will be available on booking.

Happy Camper Reviews

Matthew Sincock
Course Tutor

Matthew Sincock

After six years of playing Rugby Union, Matt felt amazed the first time he tried Qigong and Shiatsu (in 1991), that something so gentle could feel so relaxing and healing.

The inner peace he felt when practicing both Qigong and Shiatsu helped to inspire Matt to study Chinese Medicine.

He now runs a full time therapy practice in Bellingen as a Chinese Medicine Practitioner, treating patients with Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Shiatsu, Massage, and running weekly Qigong and Japanese Yoga classes. Matt also runs a community clinic in Bellingen every Wednesday (since 2010).